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Applying to St Michael’s College for Year 7 entry September 2025

The Consultation on Admissions Arrangements to St Michael’s College Bermondsey for the Year 2025-2026 has now finished and the Admissions Arrangements have been determined. The Policy is below:

St Michaels Catholic College Admissions 2025 Policy -Determined

Applying to St Michael’s College for Year 7 entry September 2024

You will have heard from your local authority which school your child has been given on 1st March 2024. If your child was successful in gaining a place at St Michael’s Catholic College then we will write to you asking you to accept the place.


The Appeals were heard on 12th June 2024. If you wish to add your child’s name to the waiting list then you should contact your local authority.

If you need to put in a late application then you need to get in touch with your local authority but you will also need to fill in our forms as below:

Please follow the steps below to apply to St Michael’s Catholic College:

  • Fill in the Local Authority Online Form for e-admissions (CAF Form) remembering to list St Michael’s as one of your preferences.
  • Take the priest form which is in the pack you collected at the Open Day (or a copy can be printed off below) to your priest or faith leader if you have one – if you need more than one form then you can print additional copies from our website.
  • Fill in our online supplementary form, a link to which is below.
  • You should add your child’s baptism certificate (if you have one) to the supplementary form and your proof of address as well as any other information that you wish to add.
  • If the priest gives your form back to you then you can also add that to the supplementary form. If it is sent back to St Michael’s then we will add it for you.
  • Please note you do not have to bring copies of your application or any paperwork to St Michael’s.
  • If your child has an EHCP then it is a different process. You should apply via the Local Authority and you do not have to fill in our forms.

Please note the priest form will be made available at the Open Day and both the priest form and supplementary form for Year 7 entry 2024 are below:

Admissions Policy – St Michael’s Catholic College Admissions Policy 2024

Supplementary Form –

Priest Form – Priest Form for entry September 2024

Guidance on Mass Attendance

From the 18th March 2020 through to the 5th June 2022 the Bishops of England and Wales suspended the obligation to attend mass in England and Wales. As of the 5th June 2022, Pentecost, the Bishops reinstated the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Parents applying for a place at St Michael’s College, under a faith based criteria will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form and Priest Reference Form. Evidence of practice will be measured by frequency of attendance at Mass as validated by either a priest or minister, as was the case prior to 18th March 2020. These arrangements apply to the admissions round for 2023 and subsequent rounds. Please call the college if you need any further guidance.

In year Admissions 2023-2024 for those already at Secondary School age

If you wish to make an in year admission application then please print off and fill in the two forms below and send them with a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and your proof of address to the College. You must also fill in the Local Authority form. Please read the admissions policy to ensure you understand the admissions criteria of the college. Please do not use the forms below for Year 7 entry. 

Supplementary form – In year admissions – 2023-2024

Priest Form – In year admissions – 2023-2024

St Michaels Catholic College Admissions Policy 2023