Catholic Life
St Michael’s aims not only to be a school that is effective, but one which is also distinctive. As a Catholic College, St Michael’s ensures students receive high quality spiritual development and faith formation underpinned by Gospel values and the Salesian values of Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour.
At the heart of our formation of students is a belief that they are unique individuals created by God and therefore have the potential to achieve at all levels. In this sense, there is no limit to a child’s capacity. Therefore besides aspiring to academic success, we endeavour to develop a school and community where the Salesian Values of Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour are modelled and lived out so that students can also grow in faith.
While our religious community meets all the statutory requirements of the Catholic Church, it also provides an opportunity for pupils to develop a sense of the transcendent, and moreover reflect on the presence of God in their lives. For our pupils, it is equally important for them to seek answers to questions which give purpose and meaning to their being rather than simply aspiring to academic achievement.
The spirituality of the College therefore is the day to day interaction between pupils and staff, pupils and pupils, and our community fosters faith and behaviours which are rooted in moral judgements and Gospel and Salesian values. Intrinsic to this is reconciliation and forgiveness in our community. Educational provision for spiritual and moral development has a symbiotic relationship with high quality teaching which engages pupils, is challenging, and facilitates enjoyment.
Religious education, collective worship and prayer enable our students and staff to translate the mission, vision and Salesian values in the wider community, in the diocese and most importantly in their own lives. Outstanding links with parents, governors, parishes, the Salesian Fellowship of Schools and the diocese are viewed as vital to this mission.
Our chaplaincy team works relentlessly with all sectors of the College, but particularly the senior leadership team and the RE department, to ensure that all College activity, including the curriculum in all its aspects, reflects the Catholic ethos of the College, and Christ as the foundation of the whole enterprise. In line with the College governance arrangements, the chaplaincy team also assists in developing and supporting collective worship across the school including weekly Mass, religious retreats and the management of our chapel: a dedicated space for both collective and private prayer and meditation.
Quotes from the Diocesan Section 48 Report March 2023- Outstanding in all areas
‘The school is deeply rooted on principles of care and compassion based on the Salesian values of respect, understanding, affection and humour (RUAH) evident at all levels within the school and extended community.’
‘In the exceptionally high number of responses received, parents commented overwhelmingly positively about the welfare, care as well as education provided by the school. Comments include ‘the school creates a great sense of belonging’, ‘the school supports my child’s spiritual and academic education’, ‘St Michael’s builds a wonderful base of faith’.
Assembly Rota 8.40m to 9.00am.
YEAR | |
Monday | 11 |
Tuesday | 10 |
Wednesday AM
Wednesday PM 3:15-:3:30pm | 7
9 |
Thursday | 8 |
Friday | 12/13 |
All staff are expected to attend assemblies with their class (or class they are attached to) on assembly days, both full assemblies and house assemblies.
Assemblies are themed each week around events that occur across the liturgical calendar and linked to Catholic Social Teaching through our Salesian RUAH Values. Key events are also celebrated such as work on inclusion and diversity not just during Black History Month, Pride History, the environment, student achievement, student safety and safeguarding and many more. Student leadership groups such as the student parliament, chaplaincy group and Prefects also lead assemblies at various points throughout the academic year.
All assemblies incorporate a prayer to allow the pupils to gather in collective worship, with the prayer focus linked to an aspect of Catholic Social Teaching and a piece of scripture. Assemblies are supported by the work of our college chaplain.
Prayers with students
Prayer time is essential for developing the relationship between students and God. Therefore, time is dedicated to prayer and reflection at the beginning of each tutor time, each lesson at KS3 and 4 and at the end of every day during afternoon registration. Our Chaplaincy coordinator provides both training and resources to support staff to facilitate these opportunities for our pupils.
Please click on the below link for our Chaplaincy Bulletin:
Chaplaincy Bulletin