‘Geography is concerned with the study of places, the human and physical processes which shape them and the people who live in them. It helps pupils to make sense of their surroundings and to gain a better appreciation’
GEO 01





  • Build an extraordinary learning community that goes beyond the curriculum.
  • Foster a spirit of enquiry.
  • Draw on the rich variety of experience and views to support a coherent and collegiate approach to teaching and learning.
  • Nurture links with other schools and departments locally, nationally and globally
  • Enable the continued personal and academic development of each student

(Courses: Geography is offered across the age and ability range at St Michael’s Catholic College)
GEO 04

Key Stage 3

Two 1 hour lessons per week.

Curriculum Content Geography KS3

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Autumn term Passport to Geography Water Works Into Africa
Future Floods Introducing India Risky World
Spring term Global Cities Coastal landscapes Glacial Environments
Role of Stones Global conflicts What’s the use?
Summer Term Ecosystems Moving Stories Russia’s region and roles
Impossible Places The Geography of my stuff The rise and rise of China


Key Stage 4

Three lessons per week in years 10 and 11.

Year 10 GCSE Geography AQA

Subject content

Living with the physical environment

3.1.1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards

3.1.2 Section B: The living world

3.1.3 Section C: Physical landscapes in the UK

Challenges in the human environment

3.2.1 Section A: Urban issues and challenges

3.2.2 Section B: The changing economic world

3.2.3 Section C: The challenge of resource management

Geographical applications

3.3.1 Section A: Issue evaluation

3.3.2 Section B: Fieldwork

Geographical skills

3.4 Geographical skills

Exams (AQA)

Paper 1: Living with the physical environment

What’s assessed

3.1.1 The challenge of natural hazards, 3.1.2 The living world, 3.1.3 Physical landscapes in the UK, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it’s assessed

Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

88 marks (including 3 marks for spelling, punctuation, grammar and specialist terminology (SPaG))

35% of GCSE


Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)

Section B: answer all questions (25 marks)

Section C: answer any two questions from questions 3, 4 and 5 (30 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment
What’s assessed

3.2.1 Urban issues and challenges, 3.2.2 The changing economic world, 3.2.3 The challenge of resource management, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it’s assessed

Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

88 marks (including 3 marks for SPaG)

35% of GCSE


Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)

Section B: answer all questions (30 marks)

Section C: answer question 3 and one from questions 4, 5 or 6 (25 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 3: Geographical applications
What’s assessed

3.3.1 Issue evaluation, 3.3.2 Fieldwork, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it’s assessed

Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes

76 marks (including 6 marks for SPaG)

30% of GCSE

Pre-release resources booklet made available 12 weeks before Paper 3 exam


Section A: answer all questions (37 marks)

Section B: answer all questions (39 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

GEO 02

GEO 03

Key stage 5, A-Level Geography (AQA)

Subject content

Physical geography

  1. Water and carbon cycles
  2. Hot desert systems and landscapes
  3. Coastal systems and landscapes
  4. Glacial systems and landscapes
  5. Hazards
  6. Ecosystems under stress

Human geography

  1. Global systems and global governance
  2. Changing places
  3. Contemporary urban environments
  4. Population and the environment
  5. Resource security

Geography fieldwork investigation

  1. Fieldwork requirements
  2. Investigation requirements

Geographical skills

  1. Geographical skills checklist


Component 1: Physical geography
What’s assessed

Section A: Water and carbon cycles

Section B: either Hot desert systems and landscapes or Coastal systems and landscapes or Glacial systems and landscapes

Section C: either Hazards or Ecosystems under stress

How it’s assessed

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

120 marks

40% of A-level


Section A: answer all questions (36 marks)

Section B: answer either question 2 or question 3 or question 4 (36 marks)

Section C: answer either question 5 or question 6 (48 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response and extended prose

Component 2: Human geography
What’s assessed

Section A: Global systems and global governance

Section B: Changing places

Section C: either Contemporary urban environments or Population and the environment or Resource security

How it’s assessed

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

120 marks

40% of A-level


Section A: answer all questions (36 marks)

Section B: answer all questions (36 marks)

Section C: answer either question 3 or question 4 or question 5 (48 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Component 3: Geography fieldwork investigation
What’s assessed

Students complete an individual investigation which must include data collected in the field. The individual investigation must be based on a question or issue defined and developed by the student relating to any part of the specification content.

How it’s assessed

3,000–4,000 words

60 marks

20% of A-level

Marked by teachers and moderated by AQA