Policies are reviewed annually or biannually as required in the summer term before being ratified by the Governing Body.

All the Financial Accounts are published at the end of the year – December and uploaded to the Website.

College Uniform and Hair Policy

Changes have been made to the uniform policy to limit the number of branded items required. The college works with our parents association ‘ The Friends of St Michael’s’ to collect and distribute 2nd hand uniform to support families and promote sustainability. We also provide support to fund uniform for students in receipt of FSM/Pupil Premium. For information please see this page.


For documents related to UK GDPR, including privacy notices, please click here. For our cookies policy, please go to the College home page and click in the bottom right of the screen.

Publication of Executive Pay

The trust must publish on its website in a separate readily accessible form the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments. Trusts may wish to display this information in a tabular form showing in each column salary, pension etc. This information is on the Annual Reports and Accounts section below.

Schools Financial Benchmarking

The link for St Michael’s is here.

Trade Union Requirements

As part of the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 we are required to publish information in respect of employees who were relevant Trade Union officials each year. This is also below under Annual Report and Accounts.

The following are available upon request:

  • Admission register
  • Attendance register
  • Minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the Governors

Please click on the document type below in the blue box for more information:

  • Statutory documents
  • Policy documents (E.g. Curriculum Policy)
  • Annual reports and accounts
  • Governors
  • St Michael's Catholic College Admissions Policy 2024 203 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Admissions Policy 2025 171 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Sixth Form Admissions for September 2025 154 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Anti Bullying Policy 2024-26 165 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Assessment Target setting Policy 2024-25 318 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Behaviour Policy 2024-25 581 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Bereavement Policy 2023-26 241 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Capability Policy 2024-26 190 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Careers Information Guidance Policy 2024-26 162 kb
  • CES Code of Conduct 2023-24 358 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-24 139 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Complaints Policy 2024-26 197 kb
  • St Michael's COVID19 Safeguarding Policy Addendum 261 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College CPD Policy 2023-25 153 kb
  • St-Michaels-Catholic-College-CPSHE-Policy-2023-25 261 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Curriculum Policy 2024 - 26 Incl. Disciplinary Literacy Policy 2024-26_ 173 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Disciplinary Policy 2022-25 270 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Early Career Teachers Induction Policy 2024-25 151 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Educational Visits Policy 2023-25 457 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Exams Policy inc. Contingency Plan Addendum Exams Whistleblowing Policy 2024-25 updated 281 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Exclusion Policy 2024-25 186 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College First Aid Policy 2023-25 145 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Gifts and hospitality procedure 2022-24 177 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Governor Allowance Policy 2022-24 175 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Grievance Resolution Policy 2024-26 230 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Health and Safety Policy INCL. DISASTER EMERGENCY POLICY FIRE DRILL AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION 2024-25 Inc Appendices 542 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Home College Agreement 2024- 25 195 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College IT Policy incl E-Safety_Accep Use of ICT Biometrics 2024-25 277 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Lesson Visits Policy 2023-25 (was classroom obs policy) 135 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Marking policy 2023-25 197 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Mobile Phone Policy 2023-25 144 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Music Development Plan Summary 2024-25 129 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Non-Examination assessment policy 2024 - 25 incl. AI Addendum with JCQ AI addition 207 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Off Rolling Policy_In Year Admissions Procedures 2023-25 493 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Pastoral Care Policy 2023-25 166 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers 2024-26 194 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Privacy Notice for job applicants 2024-26 165 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Privacy Notice for new staff 2024-26 209 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Privacy Notice for Visitors and Contractors 2024-26 158 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Provider Access Policy 2024-26 127 kb
  • St Michael's Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24 178 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2024-26 252 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Risk Assessment Policy 2024-25 172 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Safeguarding policy 2024-25 483 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College SEND Policy 2024-25 168 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Single Equality Policy (Incorporating Disability action plan scheme Equalities Gender Policies) 2024-25 452 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Staff Code of Conduct Policy 2024-26 including Staff Dress Code updated 211 kb
  • St Michaels Catholic College Uniform Policy 2024-25 158 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Virtual Meeting Protocol 2023-25 121 kb
  • St Michael's Catholic College Whistleblowing Policy 2024-26 162 kb
  • Facilities Time April 23 to March 24 97 kb
  • Articles of Association 284 kb
  • Publication of Executive Pay 2021-22 74 kb
  • Funding Agreement Part1 3338 kb
  • Funding Agreement Part 2 3177 kb
  • Funding Agreement Part 3 1963 kb
  • Governors Report and Financial Statement - Year ended - 31st August 2021 8009 kb
  • Governors Report and Financial Statement - Year ended - 31st August 2022 1560 kb
  • Special Educational Needs Disabilties Information Report for Parents 2023 291 kb
  • Governors Report and Financial Statement - Year ended - 31st August 2023 870 kb
  • St Michael's Register of Business Interests 2023-24 140 kb
  • College Governors 2023-24 161 kb
  • St Michael's Committee Membership 2023-24 135 kb
  • Finance and Resources Committee Terms of Reference 2023-2024 135 kb
  • St Michael's Welfare Committee Terms of Reference 2023-24 139 kb
  • Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference 2023-2024 124 kb
  • CES Code of Conduct 2023-24 358 kb
  • Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference 2023-24 119 kb
  • Governors Report and Financial Statement - Year ended - 31st August 2021 8009 kb
  • Governors Report and Financial Statements Year ended 31st August 2020 2648 kb
  • Governor Committee Attendance Figures 2023-24 134 kb