Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School so if you do have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below:

Data Protection Officer: SchoolPro TLC Limited

GDPR update: Privacy Notices

Dear parents/carers,

As you may know there have been recent changes to the way data is managed, processed and retained as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) since 25th May 2018.

In order to process personal data fairly, the College will provide any data subject with the following details:

  • The College’s name
  • The name of the College’s Data Protection Officer;
  • The nature and type of personal data which the College intends to process;
  • The purpose for which the personal data is intended to be processed by the College;
  • Any further information which is necessary for the College to provide to enable the processing to be fair

The College provides this information to employees and parents in the Data Protection policy, which is published below. This is along with Privacy Notices which are provided to parents and employees and published via the College’s website.

St Michael’s Catholic College Biometrics Policy 2023-25 (To be ratified by Governors)

St Michael’s Catholic College Cookie Policy 2023-25 (To be ratified by Governors)

St Michael’s Catholic College Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers 2024-26

St Michael’s Catholic College Privacy Notice for job applicants 2024-26

St Michaels Catholic College Privacy Notice for new staff 2024-26

St Michaels Catholic College Privacy Notice for Visitors and Contractors 2024-26

Data Protection Policy (GDPR) 2024-26

Privacy Notice Pupils and Parents 2022-24

Privacy Notice Staff 2022-24

The following policies are available in the appendices of our main GDPR Policy:

  • Data Retention Policy
  • Data Breach Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Social Media Policy
  • Privacy Notice – Staff
  • Privacy Notice – Pupils and Parents
  • Data Breach Form
  • CCTV Policy
  • Electronic Information and Communications Systems Policy
  • Information Security Policy

The College is providing information to employees and parents in the revised Data Protection policy and in Privacy Notices, which are provided to them at the outset and published on the College’s website.

Updates to the College’s policies will be available from the GDPR page:

In the event of any GDPR matters, any individual can contact me at school level, if you should have any queries that can be resolved.

St Michael’s work closely with SchoolPro who provide GDPR support and are our Data Protection Officer to ensure the highest possible standards of data protection and security.

Please refer any correspondence for my attention via the College’s email address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr J Arda
Assistant Principal