The college has been celebrating with our year 11 students who received excellent grades across the full range of subjects and whose results accurately reflect their ability and hard work over the last two years.

The college is delighted that the decision was taken to use Centre Assessed Grades and has full confidence in the robustness of the system it used to generate these grades which took into account the ability profile of the students, their track record in formal internal assessments and the progression rates of the college as whole determined through reliable external measures.

Particular congratulations should go to Lauren Stewart who achieved 10 grade 9s and to Alessandro Corpuz – Irana, Charles Oparinde, Matthew Smith, Nina Hallewell, Golddust Addo Mensah, Fernando Carrion Morales, Mukisa Magambe, Natalia Augustinowicz, Elmina Kwao, Katie Wilson, Kassandra Salvador and De Winton Parker, all of whom achieved grades 7 to 9 in all of their GCSE subjects.

The college is proud of all of our students who have had to overcome so many challenges beyond their control in recent months and we wish them well as they take their next steps.



Felicity Corcoran


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